
Quick Takes

Explore ONN team members' expertise through quick analytical insights and op-ed-style pieces. Our blog-style Quick Takes section allows our experts to share their thoughts on various topics, providing timely and accessible analysis on the most pressing global security matters.

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Small Yard, High Fence. Drone Incursion over Pyongyang and Risk of Escalation

New signs of perceived escalation on the Korean Peninsula, including alleged South Korean drone incursions, have put North Korea’s military on high alert. This article explores whether Pyongyang is preparing for all-out war with Seoul or if these moves suggest another shift in strategy, raising concerns about conflict escalation.


Taiwan's Air and Missile Defence. Part 2: Patriot PAC-2 and PAC-3

The series on Taiwan’s conventional defence aims to provide a clearer understanding of Taiwan’s defence capabilities and contribute to the discourse on defence and the wider geopolitical issues surrounding Taiwan.


Taiwan's Air and Missile Defence. Part 1: Tien Kung-1 and Tien Kung-2

The series on Taiwan’s conventional defence aims to provide a clearer understanding of Taiwan’s defence capabilities and contribute to the discourse on defence and the wider geopolitical issues surrounding Taiwan.


Atomic Horizons: Forecasting Nuclear Risks

The article examines the inherent risks of nuclear weapons, emphasizing their growing probability of use over time despite annual low risks. It discusses how individual and national choices can mitigate these risks, the importance of diplomatic efforts and arms control agreements, and the necessity of a long-term perspective in assessing and reducing nuclear threats.


Russia’s Nuclear Signalling: Non-Strategic Nuclear Exercises and Future Doctrine Changes

Amid deteriorating international security, Russia is sending strong nuclear signals. In May and June 2024, Russia with the participation of Belarus conducted two stages of non-strategic nuclear exercises, with a third stage planned. Additionally, Russian officials are considering changes to their nuclear doctrine.


What Russia’s CTBT De-Ratification Means for Global Nuclear Risks

ONN interviewed members of the ONN Advisory Council for their takes on what Russia’s CTBT De-Ratification could mean for nuclear risks and the global nuclear non-proliferation and arms control regime.


Brief on 27 July 2023 Parade of the DPRK

To celebrate the 70th "Victory Day" (Korean War armistice) anniversary, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) staged a military parade on 27 July 2023. A total of 11 modern weapon formations participated in the parade, which highlighted the DPRK’s nuclear weapons; among the 11 types of weapons, eight types are nuclear capable or are designed exclusively for nuclear weapon delivery.


The DPRK's First Solid-Propellant ICBM Launch

The DPRK test launched its first solid-propellant ICBM, the Hwasong-18, on 13 April 2023. Compared with liquid-propellant land-mobile ICBMs of the DPRK, solid-propellant ICBMs are operationally easier to maintain as they have fewer mechanical parts, have a shorter launch preparation time by possibly several hours as they do not need to be fueled before launch, and are more compatible to different road conditions.


Brief on the DPRK's 8 February 2023 Parade

In comparison to previous military parades, the parade on 8 February put a strong focus on the intercontinental-range nuclear strike force: the parade only displayed a few conventional and short-range nuclear-capable weapon systems, but showcased an unprecedented number of 12 Hwasong-17 ICBMs.

One Earth Future

Open Nuclear Network (ONN) is a programme of One Earth Future, an incubator of innovative peacebuilding programs in which they design, test and partner to scale programs that work hand in hand with communities to eliminate the root causes of war.

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