The database was launched in July 2023. It contains the laws, regulations and other measures related to sanctions against the DPRK, such as national legislations, measures for national enforcement and international agreements. The data provides information on the current DPRK sanctions regimes, including a short description of imposed measure, date of adoption, classification and link to its original source.
The dataset was curated by Yerim Seo, ONN Research Consultant, and reviewed by independent external experts. The database is updated as of 1 July 2023.
To prohibit Japanese vessels that has called at a port in the DPRK on or after December 9, 2016 from entering the ports in Japan.
To additionally designate 6 entities and 9 individuals for asset freeze that are involved in DPRK's nuclear-related, ballistic missile-related or other weapons of mass destruction-related programmes.
To additionally designate 10 entities and 11 individuals for asset freeze that are involved in DPRK's nuclear-related, ballistic missile-related or other weapons of mass destruction-related programmes pursuant to UNSCR 2321.
To additionally designate 11 individuals for travel ban and asset freeze. To additionally designate 10 entities for asset freeze. *This measure is applied pursuant to UNSCR 2321.
To additionally designate 35 entities and 36 individuals for financial sanctions who are closely involved in DPRK's weapons of mass destruction programmes and financially supported the DPRK regime.
To strengthen import and export control related to the DPRK including preventing the inflow of apparel products manufactured in the DPRK to the ROK, expanding the list of intensive management item by adding 11 mineral subject to UN sanctions and compiling a watch-list of items related to submarine-launched ballistic missile.
To strengthen marine transportation control related to the DPRK by prohibiting foreign vessels that has called at the ports in the DPRK withinwithin the past one year from calling at the ports in the ROK.
To strengthen immigration control by prohibiting entry into the ROK of third-country nationals who are subject to sanctions imposed by the ROK and prohibiting reentry into the ROK of nuclear and missile programme experts who pose a threat to the national intererst by visiting the DPRK.
To strengthen restrictions on movement of persons by increasing the number of persons in the position to assist DPRK officials residing in Japan and the number of foreign experts on nuclear and missile technology residing in Japan who are subject to ban on re-entry after travelling to the DPRK. *Announcement only. This measure was implemented on 9 December 2016.
To additionally designate entities and individuals for asset freeze that are involved in DPRK's nuclear-related, ballistic missile-related or other weapons of mass destruction-related programmes. *Announcement only. This measure was implemented on 9 December 2016.
To ban the entry of all vessels, including Japanese vessels, which have previously called at the ports in the DPRK. *Announcement only. This measure was implemented on 9 December 2016.
To prohibit providing insurance or re-insurance services to vessels owned, controlled, or operated by the DPRK unless the vessel is engaged in activities exclusively for livelihood or humanitarian purposes.
To inspect the cargo within or transiting through their territory includes the cargo being transported by rail and by road.
To call upon all States to exercise vigilance to ensure that no more fuel is provided to DPRK flagged civil passenger aircraft than is necessary for the relevant flight.
To prohibit the DPRK from using real property for purposes other than diplomatic or consular activities.
To impose entry and transit restrictions for members and officials of the DPRK government, members of the DPRK armed forces who are associated with the DPRK’s nuclear or ballistic missile programmes or other prohibited activities.
To limit the number of bank accounts to one per DPRK diplomatic mission or consular posts and one per DPRK diplomat and consular officer.
To call upon all Member States to reduce the number of staff at DPRK diplomatic missions and consular posts.
To expand the definition of “cargo,” subject to inspection, to include the personal luggage and checked baggage of individuals.
To apply measures to vessels, if there are reasonable grounds to believe that the vessels are or have been related to nuclear or ballistic missile related programmes or prohibited activities: to require the Flag State of a designated vessel to de flag the vessel, to redirect the vessel, to prohibit a designated vessel from entering ports, unless in case of emergency, return to the vessel’s port of origination, or direction by the Committee, and to freeze a designated vessel as an asset.
Open Nuclear Network makes its best effort to ensure the accuracy of all material reproduced in the database. Notwithstanding the foregoing, it may contain errors or omissions, and Open Nuclear Network shall not be liable for any damage that may result from errors or omissions in the database. In case legislations are published in a language other than English, an unofficial translation has been provided in addition to a link to the original version. We welcome your suggestions and comments on any errors, omissions, or additions.